Everyone loves crackers! Here are three tips to keep in mind when looking for healthy crackers, with a list of brands I recommend.
No matter how you eat them- dipped in a little hummus, spread with natural peanut or almond butter, or topped with cheese- healthy crackers are always in the equation for YUMMY. Follow these steps to find a kind you can feel good eating!
1. Go for the WHOLE Grain Crackers
- Make sure it says “whole” as the first ingredient. Look for whole wheat, whole grain flour, whole oats, even brown rice are best. *Wheat flour or enriched flour does not mean whole grain. Have a whole grain adventure with Super Crew® kid Kira.
- Don’t be fooled! There may be visible seeds in the cracker or even a packaging claim saying “made with whole grains” but this does not always mean whole grain. Double-check the ingredient list. Learn how to read a label.
- Fill up on fiber! Aim 2 grams of fiber or more per 1 oz serving is the goal. Find out your fiber needs. Adults need about 14 grams of fiber per 1000 calories.
2. Avoid Sugar! There’s sugar in my cracker?
- Keep an eye out for sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and many other names that sugar masquerades as in your crackers. Remember, it’s a cracker, not a cookie! Read more about too much sugar.
3. Be a Trans-fat Detective
- Watch out! The Nutrition Label may say no ”trans-fat,” but labeling laws say they can write “zero” if there is < 0.5 grams of trans-fat per serving. This can add up throughout the day!
- Steer clear of crackers with partially hydrogenated oils in the ingredient list. With overweight 5 to 10 years olds already possessing at least one major risk for heart disease, it’s an easy choice to stay away from hydrogenated fats.
Listed below are some great healthy crackers that fit the mold for a healthy cracker!
Whole Grain Healthy Cracker Options- Best Bets!
Ryvita ® Mini’s (all flavors)
Ryvita® Crispbread
Ryvita® Thins
Ryvita ® (Cracker Bread)
Triscuits ® (all flavors)
Triscuits ® Thin Crisps (all flavors)
Healthy Valley ® Oat Bran Graham Crackers
Healthy Valley® Amaranth Graham Crackers
Healthy Valley® Rice Bran Crackers
Health Valley® Whole Wheat Crackers
Trader Joes® Woven Wheats
Rye Krisps Seasoned Rye Crackers
Kavil ®5 Grain or Hearty Thick
Wasa® Fiber Rye, Hearty Rye, Multigrain
Back to nature®, Harvest Whole Wheats
Peanut-Free Options!
Peanut-Free Options: Best Bets
Ryvita ® Mini’s (all flavors)
Ryvita ® Crispbread
Ryvita ® Thins
Ryvita ® (Cracker Bread)
Triscuits ® (all flavors)
Triscuits ® Thin Crisps (all flavors)
Healthy Valley® Oat Bran Graham Crackers
Healthy Valley® Amaranth Graham Crackers
Peanut-Free: Okay Options
Trader Joes ® Multigrain Crackers
Kashi® TLC Crackers (all flavors)
Trader Joes ® Rye Mini Toasts
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